POLi iframe Best Practices

The use of an iframe is very helpful as it allows the customer to stay on your site.

In the case of POLi, you can use iframes with POLi links or payment forms from our Pay Now with POLi platform.

Here are some best practices for using an iframe with POLi.

  • Appropriately size the frame to eliminate scroll bars
  • Test the iframe to ensure the best user experience
  • Avoid an iframe where a transaction is initiated automatically on page load
    • Ideally the user should initiate the transaction page either by clicking a button or as a continuation of a form.

Note: All types of embedding options require you to have your own valid SSL certificate for security reasons.

Here are some examples of what our merchants are doing:

Form iframe – Grabaloan

To learn how to make a payment form, visit our article: Creating a form